2019年4月29日,中国国际电视台非洲分台(CGTN Africa)新闻主播比阿特丽斯·马歇尔受传播研究院邀请来访我校,并以“CGTN非洲:通过建构性新闻看到不同”为题进行演讲。该讲座是刚刚在北京结束的第二届“一带一路”论坛的后续活动。
马歇尔:转变传统新闻理念 构建全面客观报道模式
张艳秋:推崇协调平衡报道方式 促进中非媒体友好互动关系
比阿特丽斯·马歇尔是中国国际电视台非洲分台的国际新闻主播,非洲分台设在肯尼亚内罗毕。她在CGTN News担任新闻节目《非洲直播室》的主持人,该节目旨在传播非洲的新闻和观点。同时,她也主持每周的《对话非洲》访谈节目,该节目为全球观众提供了对非洲大陆的社会、经济和政治事件进行深入观察的窗口。工作期间,马歇尔采访了22位非洲国家元首和政府首脑,以及其他非洲国家的政治家、决策者和思想领袖。
Luu Mwiinga Machila
Bad News is Good News? Not Anymore – Beatrice Marshall
China Global Television Network (CGTN) news anchor Beatrice Marshall has urged International Students at Communication University of China (CUC) to embrace the culture and principles of Constructive Journalism in telling Africa’s story to the world.
Ms. Marshall bemoaned the continued depiction of Africa as a hungry, poor, war-torn and unsafe place by some quarters of International and African media.
Ms. Marshall said this recently during a public lecture organized by the School of International Studies of CUC dubbed “CGTN Africa: See the Difference via Constructive Journalism” which was a follow up to the just ended second Belt and Road Forum that took place in Beijing.
The lecture culminated into a plenary that lasted over an hour during which both Chinese and international students took time to ask Ms. Marshall, a number of media related questions ranging from her personal experience as News Anchor with CGTN to application of media theories from an international perspective.
Before the plenary, Ms. Marshall explained and showed that Africa was not one huge country but a continent with over 54 independent states and with diverse cultures, economies and political influences among others.
This was against the premise that most Chinese students had very scanty information about countries in Africa compared to how much international students knew about China.
On telling the African story, Ms. Marshall challenged the Cliché that ‘Bad News is Good News’ saying it is time Africa turned from this western idea that bad news makes good news.
Ms. Marshall further emphasized the need to tell stories of Africa’s fastest growing economies giving an example of Rwanda and Ethiopia.
Speaking at the same event, Deputy Director of International Studies at CUC, Professor Zhang Yanqiu clarified that China was not trying to impose Chinese way of journalism on African media but was simply advocating for a more balanced and objective approach to news coverage with an emphasis on solution journalism.
The public lecture which was aimed at highlighting and acquainting both Chinese and International students on CGTN’s journalism approach especially on the African continent was attended by several International and Chinese Masters and PhD students.
Beatrice Marshall is a Global News Anchor for China’s international news organization, China Global Television Network, CGTN based in the channel’s Africa Headquarters, Nairobi in Kenya.
She anchors “Africa Live” on CGTN NEWS, a daily Global News program that gives viewers a deeper perspective of the news and views of Africa and also host of “Talk Africa”, a weekly talk show that provides global viewers with an inside look at social, economic and political events shaping the African continent.
Ms. Marshall has since interviewed over 22 sitting African Heads of State and Governments, among other leading African politicians, decision-makers & thought-leaders.
Story by Luu Mwiinga Machila
MA Student, International Master Of International Communication(IMIC), ISC,CUC.