


新闻传播学部传播研究院邀请英国利兹大学传播研究院学者Lee Edwards办学术讲座主题为:媒介产业的社会功能——公共关系的视角The media industries’ role in society: the case of public relations)。
    目:媒介产业的社会功能——公共关系的视角The media industries’ role in society: the case of public relations
The lecture will cover some general perspectives on the role that media industries play in society, both as a forum for debate and discussion but also as a cultural industry. Then Professor Edwards will look specifically at how these ideas can be applied to the field of public relations. The professor will finish by looking at a couple of high-profile PR campaigns that have taken place in China, and will use them as the basis for some topical discussion with the students. As before, the lecture will be about 45 minutes and then take questions.
Dr Lee Edwards is associate professor in Communications (PR) at the University of Leeds, and teaches and researches on PR as a socio-cultural occupation. Her primary focus in research and teaching is on the operation of power through public relations both within the occupational field and in wider society. As well as making theoretical contributions to the understanding of public relations, she has published on the exercise of power through PR as a cultural intermediary, and on diversity in public relations. Before she became an academic she worked in industry as a technology PR specialist.