来自斯里兰卡的2019级传播学博士留学生苏妮(Dasuni Jayarathne),接受了Siyatha TV(斯里兰卡电视频道)的访谈,讲述她在中国的留学生活,并分享自身接受教育而成为一名独立女性的经历。访谈节目于2022年4月29日上午 (斯里兰卡时间)播出。
留学生苏妮(Dasuni Jayarathne)
苏妮对她在祖国斯里兰卡和中国接受的教育表示感激,她在两国的公费教育政策下成长,她表示“教育改变了我的思维,使我的内心变得更加强大。教育帮助我跳出原有南亚文化的视角,以更宽阔的视野去观察世界,让我看到了世界上更加多元的文化,听到了不一样的声音,这些都令我的思维更加开放包容。” 她还特别给予了女性同胞们一些建议,她呼吁斯里兰卡的女性接受教育,走出国门,迈向世界,更加独立自主。
Dasuni. Nayanthara Jayarathne is a Sri Lankan student who is currently reading for her Doctoral Degree at the Institute of Communication Studies, Communication University of China. She also completed her Master's degree from Zhejiang Normal University, China. She has given a television interview for Siyatha TV (local television channel) about her educational experiences in China and how it impacted her being a very independent woman in South Asian society. The programme was telecasted on April 29th, 2022, at 10.30 a.m. and 11.00 a.m. (Sri Lankan Time).
She mentioned that, she had been educated for 22 years out of her 30 years of age. 13 years of school education, 4 years of bachelor's degree free education in Sri Lanka, 2 years of master's degree with a provincial scholarship, and 3 years of a Phd degree in China with a government scholarship. She has mentioned her entire education, which she received freely from both countries, and she feels China is her second motherland. She has mentioned that her study time in China gave her immense experience. She has stated that education in China made her a differently-thinking person. She observed that Chinese people are very united, dedicated, and enthusiastic people. Moreover, she mentioned that she observed teamwork skills among Chinese people more than among other people in other countries she visited. She has mentioned that China has this developed system and the economy because of the positive attitude of the Chinese people towards the country. She mentioned that each and every Chinese person has great respect for their country and that all Chinese people have become one family to support their country. She mentioned that she finds Chinese people to be very country-oriented people and that this will lead them to develop more and more in the future. This attitude of the Chinese people builds a strong nation in the world. Moreover, she mentioned that the international community that she met in China made her an open-minded person (thinking outside of cultural limitations in South Asia). Furthermore, she has explained that as a South Asian woman, she became stronger as she had been educated in China. Moreover, she has mentioned that she wrote a book with the experiences she gained in China.
Furthermore, she has mentioned how to raise a South Asian girl to think out of the boarders and to be more independent. She mentioned that Sri Lankan women should go out of the country to learn about the world and make themselves self-reliant and independent.
统筹:林雅璇 刘茜