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2. Hashtag framing and stakeholder targeting: An affordance perspective on China’s digital public diplomacy campaign during COVID-19. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 20(3), 250–268, 2023. [SSCI]
3. An intermestic approach to China’s public diplomacy: A case study of Beijing’s COVID-19 Communication in the early stages. Journal of Communication Management, 27(2), 309–328, 2023. [ESCI]
4. When falsehood wins? Varied effects of sensational elements on users’ engagements with real and fake posts. Computers in Human Behavior, 142, 1–12, 2023. [SSCI]
5. From disembedding to digital re-embedding: Social media empowerment and solidarity practices of Chinese truck drivers. Social Media + Society, 8(2), 1–11, 2022. [SSCI]
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Pundits, presenters and promoters: Investigating gaps in digital production among social media users using self-reported and behavioral measures. Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), August 2018 [First Place, Top Faculty Paper in the Communication Technology Division]