传播研究院留学生出席“我眼中的中国——宁夏见闻”座谈会为深刻感受中国生态文明建设和绿色发展成果与远景,促进中外人民相互了解、友谊与合作,9月28日,传播研究院肯尼亚留学生丹尼尔·奥罗(Daniel Oloo,中文名秦肯)应中国人民对外友好协会之邀,参加了“我眼中的中国——宁夏见闻”座谈会。In order to deeplyappreciate the achievements and prospects of Chinas ecological civilization construction and green development, and promote the mutual understanding, friendship and cooperation between Chinese and foreign people, Daniel Oloo, a Kenyan student of the Institute of Communication, was invited by the CPAFFC to participate in theSeminaron Ch